Health Ensurance International©

There's no better time to take control of your health. Health Ensurance© is designed to help prevent, decrease impact, or reverse diseases, especially those influenced by lifestyle practices. Health Ensurance© is both a supplement and complement to one’s Health Insurance. One invests in health insurance to help manage illness and emergency health crisis; one invests in health ensurance to help manage their health and wellbeing.


Health Insurance


Health Ensurance©


HEI© Plans

Health Ensurance International (HEI)– Individual Plan

Most people concede that although they have invested in Health Insurance for many years, they continue to experience a decline in their health. Some examples of this decline are low energy, poor sleep, depression, inability to maintain a healthy weight and reverse lifestyle diseases.

Well, Health Ensurance International (HEI) is your answer. HEI fills the gap to one’s health insurance thereby being a complement and supplement to it. With HEI you have a Personal Wellness Consultant working closely with you. A Yearly Personalized Wellness Action Plan will be created for you and your Wellness Consultant works directly with you monthly to implement the program.

HEI is the missing link in helping you adopt a wellness lifestyle. All who have enrolled and participated in HEI agree that HEI has truly assisted them in ensuring their health.

Health Ensurance International (HEI)– Corporate Plan

Although companies provide health insurance for their employees, they continue to experience increased employee absenteeism due to illness, increased insurance rates year after year and less than optimal return on investment regarding employee performance. Wellness Programs/Plans of most companies are inadequate and incomplete. In order to see true improvements, companies need to invest in Health Ensurance International.

Health Ensurance International (HEI) provides a customized wellness program for your organization based on your specific needs that will introduce your employees to a holistic (whole person) approach to self-care. HEI takes a lifestyle approach to wellness.

HEI helps employees adopt a wellness lifestyle for them to perform their jobs and enjoy their lives more fully.

If your organization is committed to enhancing the lives of its employees and workforce thereby improving work performance and productivity, then HEI is your answer to help you implement a wellness program.



Happy Clients

Years of Experience

What are you waiting for?

Health Ensurance® Program Overview

  • Wellness consult & fit evaluation

  • Health assessment: Review health questionnaire and food log

  • Perform fitness evaluation

  • Take body composition

  • Create a 1-year personalized wellness action plan

  • Nutrition & supplementation

  • Detoxification

  • Lifestyle behaviors

  • Exercise

  • Hormonal balance

  • Membership enrollment in Wellness Superstore

  • Ongoing Coaching Sessions throughout the month